In this century, protecting a blog has become as important as writing a blog. Most of the bloggers dedicate time and effort in coming up with engaging and useful blogs but without the relevant security measures, all that effort redundancy is highly likely to occur. In this post, we will study some very important blog security best practices which you should have in order to keep your content protected from both internal and external threats.
Use a Reliable Hosting Company
Any attempt at blog security begins with the choice of hosting provider. Choose a hosting service with a good reputation and whose primary service is the security of blogs. They also possess, Regular backups: This ensures you can recover your content if anything goes wrong. Probably looking forward to using this provider: SSL certificates: This gadget ensures that any data whose source is your blog and is intended for users is encrypted; hence enabling any hacker to access sensitive information is very unlikely. DDoS protection: this is to prevent DDos attacks which make your blog unretrievable.
Have strong passwords and 2-step verification
Among all the commonly occurring vulnerabilities that are exploited, weak passwords happen to be one of the most frequently found in occurrence. To increase the security of a blog:
Construct complex password: It should include capital and small letters, digits and symbols. It should not include such personal information, which can be guessed easily such as name or date of birth.
Make use of a password generator and a password manager: This is basically to create a very strong password that will be kept somewhere.
Two-Factor Authentication: Security can be heightened by making it mandatory for users to verify their identity using a code sent to them by a Mobile On-the-Go mobile application after logging into an account specifying a username and password which makes it hard for anyone without permission to get in.
Apply the Most Recent Software Updates
If you are using any CMS be it WordPress, Joomla and others, installing new updates is one way of improving the security of your system. Among the reasons why such updates are important is because they contain updates address security patches.
Schedule regular update checks: Make it a point to always keep your CMS system or any plugins or themes you use up to date.
Disable unnecessary plugins and themes: If a plugin or theme has a security issue, it would be the very first one in the line of the hackers’ targets.
Use Security Plugins
Security plugins can considerably increase the security of your blog. They provide a variety of services and act as protection against diverse dangers like:
Malware scanning: Regular scans can identify and eliminate malevolent script.
Firewalls: These will help minimize the effects on your site by ensuring that such harmful traffic does not affect your site; simply put, it can block such traffic before it is directed to your address.
Monitoring your Login attempts: You don’t have to carry out the login process only to find out that there was a fraudulent activity. This option helps you identify and block such activities at the login attempts.
For WordPress enthusiasts, top security plugins supported include Wordfence, Sucuri Security and iThemes Security among many others.
Taking Regular Backups
Even in the presence of the most foolproof security mechanisms, some things are bound to go wrong at one point or another. Regular backups allow you to adjust and restore your blog to an earlier version should the occasion arise.
Backup resources: Employ the use of plugins or servicewhich back up the resources o the site actively and at regular time intervals for example by automation.
Keep backups in more than one location: In addition to the cloud-based backups, it is prudent to have a backup on an external hard disk drive in case something goes wrong and you lose data.
Keep Track Of Your Blog’s Safety Status
Regular checks on your blog’s safety should be done. Conglomerates like Website Safety Checker serve this purpose by giving the security level of your blog and possible weak areas. You simply enter the URL of your blog, and you will get a report with various deficiencies, which you can then rectify.
Train Yourself and Your Team
When you have contributors or a team that manages your blog, make it mandatory for all to understand the security best practices. Training should cover:
Identifying phishing emails: Instructing on the possible ways they may receive emails and links that may jeopardize the safety of the blog.
Internet Safety: Instilling the internet use safety guidelines or file download policies.
Control Access
Restrict moving to the more private sites, if your blog has more than one user. Specify the roles as they are needed:
Administrator: Only to a select few who are to be granted full access.
Editor: People who are allowed to create and post the content but cannot change the site parameters.
Author/Contributor: Members who can write and edit their articles but cannot change anything else.
By applying this measure, chances of unauthorized alteration or hacking of data are reduced as well.
Closing Remarks
Your legitimacy should not be an issue as long as you take these practices seriously ((aiguper, suo) ). Safety should be an exclamation mark placed in the end phrase of the respective work. Better secured blog makes you not only the owner of great return on your efforts but also gives your visitors a reason to trust you. There is a never ending cycle of information gathering, processing, and content protection.